Friday, October 23, 2020

What I packed in my Birth bag

Having kids is chaotic. How are you supposed to think straight while trying to manage your own life along with another human being’s life, or multiples (also insert your spouse into this mix, if applicable). One thing that makes it easier is making lists. Lists for meal planning. Lists for school stuff. Lists for chores. Lists for stuff that your significant other needs to do. Lists for when to take your medications (hopefully antidepressants or anti-anxiety meds along with ibuprofen). Lists for doing all the endless errands that needs to be done.

This is a bit of a tangent on a post that is simply about what to pack in your hospital/birth center bag when you have a baby. Give me a break; I now have a 6 yo, 3yo and 10 week old. ALL BOYS! I’m exhausted, overwhelmed, and not sure what day it is. 

Everyone is a little different on what they want to bring with them when they have their baby. This was my list for my third after being a veteran. 

1) Yoga pants and comfy clothes. I hate wearing the hospital gowns. I would much rather be wearing my own comfortable clothes instead of a bulky itchy gown that has so many holes, buttons, and ties that I need a seamstress to put it on. I don’t mind wearing it while in labor or for when they are necessary, but I after the baby that sucker is being replaced!

2) Water bottle and snacks. I carry my own water bottle with me everywhere so it’s a necessity. I also bring other drinks that have electrolytes, like vitamin water or a sports drink. This is helpful when you don’t want to eat or drink much during labor and you get calories. Some hospitals will allow you to drink clear liquids and not just water or ice when you have an epidural. Snacks are also essential. If you’re able to eat during labor it can help keep your energy up. Make them light, like crackers, oatmeal, cheese sticks, peanut butter energy balls (look on Pinterest). You’ll also want snacks for postpartum, especially if you’re breastfeeding. Breastfeeding and pumping make me ravenous and reaching for anything edible. I eat granola bars, fig bars, and bananas. 

3) Toiletries. I bring my own toiletries like toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, soap and hairspray (the basics). I usually wait to go home to wash my hair only because I only wash it every few days. It takes a lot of work to manage this full mop of curly hair. I don’t wear makeup, so I obviously don’t bring that with me. I’ve seen many women come in with full makeup ready to have their baby and want to redo it after baby is born. FYI, no one cares what you look like when you’re having a baby! I have looked like I was electrocuted after having my babies because my hair is crazy, but it is what it is. Bring whatever makes you comfortable but stick to the basics. 

4) Hair binders. Get that hair out of my face!

5) An eye mask. I sleep with an eye mask because it helps me sleep and keeps the light out of my eyes. In a hospital, there’s lights everywhere and people always coming in your room and this can help. It can also be helpful during labor. It can shut out everything else going on so you can focus. Each time I’ve given birth my eyes are closed. 

6) Essential oils. Having scents that make you happy can be helpful as well. There’s usually at least lavender available at most hospitals, which most people like. I however hate the smell of lavender and anyone that tries to give it to me, especially during pregnancy. There are plenty of other scents out there though. I love lilacs and citrus. Check with your healthcare provider first before selecting a scent. 

7) A plastic bag. Your owns clothes are probably going to get wet somehow, especially if you have a water birth. It’s a good idea to bring a plastic bag for wet clothing or other soiled items. 

8) Chargers. Bring your phone charger! Bring 2! You will want to take many pictures of this life changing moment and call your friends and family. So, the last thing you want is for your phone to die. 

9) A playlist. When I was preparing for this last birth I made a playlist of songs that I felt were good for me during labor and birth. I looked up birth playlists online and picked out some other songs that I love. This really was a game changer for me and helped me focus during labor. 

10) Headphones. I liked this so I could only hear the music and nothing else. 

11) Your wallet. You are going to at least need an ID and insurance card, but make sure to bring your bank card for ordering food if you want. Yes, you get hospital food, but maybe you want something more. After my second baby we ordered pizza from our favorite pizza place. I was so hungry I think I ate half of a large! LOL 

12) Sandals or slippers. I like to bring my sandals, even if it’s winter because I want something to walk around in, and not just those socks they give you. 

13) One thing I wished I had for my first 2 births is my pillow and a blanket. Hospital linens are well…hospital linens. We’re not at the Hilton here or even a Holiday Inn. You may sleep easier with something of your own from home. 

14) Baby stuff: 2-3 outfits for the ride home (I pack 2-3 depending on what I want baby’s going home outfit to be and the weather), a hat, a blanket, car seat, and burp cloths.

15) An overnight bag for your partner. 

That’s my list. Online there are a ton of lists from other people that include essentials and not so essentials. If it’s your first baby, you’ll probably overpack because this is your first rodeo, but that’s ok. Part of being a parent is making this shit up as you go and hope for the best. 

What I packed in my Birth bag

Having kids is chaotic. How are you supposed to think straight while trying to manage your own life along with another human being’s life, o...